The exotic flavor of Dalat sweet crispy rice is only 30 thousand VND per kg

05/09/2018 4086 0
Persimmon Dalat is one of the specialty fruits of Lam Dong. Currently, crispy Dalat is being sold pretty cheap in Hanoi capital with 30,000 VND per kg.

Dalat grapefruit is a specialty fruit, which is collected from around September every year. Compared with crispy crisps grown in Lang Son or Son La, crispy pinky Dalat is heart-shaped, crunchy and sweet, usually sold at prices ranging from 50,000 to 70,000 VND per kg in supermarkets, commercial centers. large.

However, the current time Dalat Pink Crispy is being sold in Hanoi with prices ranging from 25,000 to 35,000 VND per kg in fruit shops, traditional markets or online markets. Compared with the first crispy pink in Moc Chau (Son La), Dalat Pink Crispy is much cheaper. At present, one kilo of crushed rosewood is sold in Hanoi, fluctuating around 40,000 to 50,000 VND per kg.

Crispy Da Lat is heart-shaped and crispy, sweet characteristic. Picture Dang Khoa.

Nguyen Thi Nhung (Doi Can - Ba Dinh - Hanoi) said that because Dalat was good season, the yield was big and cheaply sold in the market. capital. "The price of roses purchased at the garden in Don Duong is 15,000 to 20,000 VND per kg. After calculating the transportation cost as well as the cost incurred, the selling price to customers is 35,000 VND per kg, " she said that.

According to Nhung, because it is the beginning of the season, Dalat sweet pepper is bought at the garden with the threshold of 15,000 to 20,000 VND per kg. When the season is ripe, nine (roughly half a month), the price of crispy pink in Da Lat can be about 9,000 to 10,000 VND per kg.

Currently, in addition to the fruit shop in Hanoi, Dalat Pink Crispy is also sold in the online market at a price of 30,000 VND per kg.

Crunchy early season Dalat. Picture Dang Khoa.

Dang Van Hung, a seller of pink crispy Dalat on social network Facebook, said that with a relatively cheap price of only 30,000 VND per kilogram, Hung sells more than 40kg of Dalat sweet pepper every day. "I usually pick up the customer and collect more than 100kg will transfer the pink from Da Lat to Hanoi and then transfer to guests. With the price pretty cheap only 30,000 VND per kg so people buy quite a lot. There are people who order up to 5kg to eat slowly. Every week I have 2 shipments sent from Da Lat to Hanoi for sale." Hung said.

According to Mr. Hung, crispy Dalat just 1-2 days is beginning to soften, if not eat fast will break very quickly, unlike the kind of roses originated from China.

In Hanoi, Dalat sweet crisps are being sold at VND 30,000/kg. Picture Dang Khoa.

In 2016, in order to prevent the persecution of pink roses in Dalat, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Lam Dong has planned to label the origin of agricultural products. Consumers who choose to buy crispy pink or any other products from Dalat should consider and select products that are labeled and originated.


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