Floating Youth Festival with traffic culture in Lam Dong

27/08/2018 3149 0
'Youth Festival with Culture of 2018' was celebrated in Da Lat (Lam Dong) on 26/8.

'Youth Festival with Culture of 2018' was celebrated in Da Lat (Lam Dong) on 26/8.

Young people celebrate with the traffic culture in Lam Dong

On August 26th, in Da Lat City, Ho Chi Minh Youth Union, National Traffic Safety Committee and People's Committee of Lam Dong province jointly organized the "Youth Festival with traffic culture in 2018". The festival attracts nearly 2,000 members, youth, students and students from universities, colleges and other units in the province.

The festival attracts nearly 2,000 members, youth, students and students from universities, colleges and other units in the province.

Youth Festival with a culture of traffic in 2018, to improve knowledge, change the awareness of union members, youth, students, students to ensure traffic safety order, create self-awareness The law, building the culture of youth in the country in general and Lam Dong province in particular.

Mr. Bui Quang Huy, Secretary of the Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union spoke at the festival.

Speaking at the festival, Bui Quang Huy, Secretary of the Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, emphasized: "We need to step up the propagation and education of law on traffic safety order for young people. pupils, students, rural youths; To promote traffic safety in the activities of the Youth Union, especially the population and rural areas; Mobilize youth union members to participate in cultural traffic; Obeying the law on traffic safety, not driving means when drinking alcohol; ready to help people with TNGT; wearing life jackets, MBH is standard on traffic, not involved and promotes illegal racing, ... ".

"I urge the members and youths to promote their role as the leading model in implementing the law on traffic safety, actively participate in the campaign" Youth with the culture of traffic ". Each member of the Youth Union should be an active communicator in the family, the community, the society about traffic safety and building the culture of traffic, active participation in activities. Traffic safety in Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union launched in Lam Dong, "Huy suggested.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Thai, Chief of National Traffic Safety Committee (far right) and Bui Quang Huy, Secretary of the Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (left-hand side) presented gifts and standard bearer for families with victims of traffic accidents

Attending the event, Mr. Nguyen Trong Thai, Head of the National Traffic Safety Committee, said that in the past years, traffic accidents throughout the country have seen positive changes. From 2011 until now, TNGT has reduced all three criteria in terms of number of deaths and injuries. However, in addition to the achievements, TNGT situation is still complicated. In particular, the main cause is due to lack of awareness of road users, not knowledgeable knowledge of the Road Traffic Law. Some lawmakers also disregard the law, such as speeding, overtaking, sudden divergence, roadblooding, drinking alcohol, no GPLX, etc.

"National Traffic Safety Committee, proposed to organize delegations, associations at all levels to intensify the propaganda on the risks and hazards of traffic accidents and preventive measures. Actively propagate knowledge of traffic safety and guide the skills of safe driving for youth union members. Each member, youth, student, student not only obey the traffic rules, but also behaves civilly and respects the law when participating in traffic, contributing to prevent and limit the maximum. TNGT for youth in the country in general and in Lam Dong province in particular, "he stressed Thai.

Lam Dong traffic police gave standard helmets to union members and youths

Here, the festival took place with a lot of meaningful activities, attracting a large number of members, young people such as Festival dance groups to promote traffic safety; Cycle parade in the main roads in Da Lat city; "Ring the bell" to learn traffic safety knowledge; dissemination of legal documents and photo exhibitions on traffic safety; training traffic safety knowledge and safety driving skills test; Forum "Parents with the culture of traffic".

The Festival also took place the performance of the Youth Union members, propaganda about traffic safety

Together in this activity, the Organizing Committee has presented many gifts to families with victims of traffic accidents; Lam Dong traffic police gave 90 standard helmets to union members and youths.

Source: baomoi.com

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