"Grow vegetables in the air" collect 3-4 billion per year

14/08/2018 3624 0
With the aerial method, the roots of vegetables are not directly attached to the soil or water but are placed in coconut fiber bags. Then each vegetable planted on the trunk was perforated in straight lines, the roots suspended in the tunnel of gas was sealed with membranes.

With the aerial method, the roots of vegetables are not directly attached to the soil or water but are placed in coconut fiber bags. Then each vegetable planted on the trunk was perforated in straight lines, the roots suspended in the tunnel of gas was sealed with membranes.

The model of growing aerobic vegetable brings high productivity to people in Da Lat city. Picture of Hoang Ty

Mr.Tran Huy Duong, owner of Langbiang Farm (Xo Viet Nghe Tinh street, Ward 7, Da Lat city, Lam Dong province) successfully grows many kinds of vegetables by gas cultivation method.

Mr. Duong grows vegetable garden with nearly 10 kinds of vegetables such as lettuce, kale, kale, spinach, celery, kale, spinach ... With the method of gas soup, vegetables are planted on the truss Half a meter to the ground.

According to Mr. Tang, growing vegetables under the model of gas cultivation, electricity costs are lower than other models. Picture: Hoang Ty

Mr. Tang said: "Planted with the model of vegetable garden has many advantages such as higher yield, vegetables grow faster while the cost of electricity is lower. In addition, if planted under the model of gas can grow more vegetables such as spinach, strawberries.

According to calculations, lettuce growing by the method of cultivation only 25 days can be harvested. Meanwhile, lettuce gardens have long, at least 45 days to harvest.

Vegetable yields were higher than those of the experimental models. Picture: Hoang Ty

With the aerial method, the roots of vegetables are not directly attached to the soil or water but are placed in coconut fiber bags. Then each vegetable planted on the trunk was perforated in straight lines, the roots suspended in the tunnel of gas was sealed with membranes. There is no water or soil in the rig, but only a mini water spray system.

Many vegetables can not be grown hydroponic, now fully consistent with the gas. Automatic vegetable garden water supply, direct nutrition to the roots of vegetables. No land cost, no land treatment, saving water irrigation that vegetables quickly to harvest.

Vegetables grown in a gasoil model grow faster than the hydroponic model. Picture: Hoang Ty

According to Duong: "On average, every month at 3 to 4 tons of vegetables, the price is stable at 25,000 VND / kg, except for the cost of cleaning the gutters, checking the maintenance of the spray pipe. , water pump system from underground wells ... every month the farm has profit from 30-40 million VND/500m2, the width will increase to 7-8 billion/ha/year."

It is known that the farm of Mr. Tran Huy Duong is the first place to grow vegetables on large acacia. If this model can be replicated, Da Lat vegetables will have more competitive advantages in the high-grade vegetable segment for the country.

Source: baomoi.com

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