Farm tourism creates a breakthrough in growth

14/08/2018 3639 0
Farm tourism has been established and developed in many countries around the world, from the 80s of last century.

Particularly in Lam Dong, the model of agro-tourism has been developed in recent years associated with the development of high-tech agriculture.

Point of sale of agricultural products in agricultural tourism

Agricultural tourism has been encouraged by developing countries such as: Sweden, Denmark, Korea, Japan, Thailand, England, France, Germany, Austria, Italy. of each country that different types of farming tourism have different names, such as: England: rural tourism; USA, Italy: farm tourism; France: agricultural tourism; Canada: farm tourism; Japan, Australia: agricultural tourism ... but also follow the principle of "Travel experience, exploit aggregate values based on the achievements of agriculture."

Typical Jersey Jersey dairy farming in the United States annually attracts 1.4 million visitors, has a turnover of over $ 2 million, and many successful US farm tourism models. Strawberry garden in Niikura, Tokyo, Japan only 5 hectares, attracting 400,000 visitors a year; The Keukenhof Flower Garden in the Netherlands attracts millions of visitors, earning millions of dollars a year. Many countries, such as China, France, Japan and the United States, annually bring about tens of billion dollars worth of agricultural tourism; In Italy, there are 2,200 sites of agricultural tourism, with revenues of € 147 billion, or 9.4% of GDP, generating direct and indirect employment for 2.5 million people, equivalent to 10.9 million. % of the nation's workforce.

Vietnam has favorable conditions with many agricultural models to develop this type of tourism, many localities have strengths and exploit agricultural tourism such as: Hoi An City, Quang Nam; Tinh Bien district, An Giang province; garden tourism in Can Tho, Vinh Long, Tien Giang, Ben Tre ...; Tan Phu, Dong Nai; Sapa, Lao Cai; Ba Vi, Hanoi; Hoc Mon and Binh Chanh, Ho Chi Minh City ... but the potential is not exploited adequately. For Lam Dong province, the province has a long-term orientation in order to meet the practical requirements and requirements of international integration. Therefore, diversified and large-scale agro-tourism products, is the first locality in Vietnam to adopt the agro-based tourism model based on high-tech agriculture.

Lam Dong's tourism sector is considered a dynamic economic sector; due to the natural landscape combined with ecological sub-region and unique urban architecture; have beautiful landscape, many national monuments, there are many festive activities; Langbiang biosphere reserve of 273,439 hectares, covers the whole city of Dalat, so Lam Dong tourism has a lot of favorable conditions to develop quite diversified types and products. travel as: resort, sightseeing; scientific research; Ecotourism; cultural history; spiritual tourism; sports tourism; educational tourism; Conference, seminar and farm tourism.

Through practice shows that the model of agricultural tourism has contributed to promoting the tourism image of Da Lat city; linking urban and agricultural spaces closer together; broaden the vision of hi-tech manufacturing; To make breakthroughs in attracting investment, especially FDI projects; is a strong start-up for Lam Dong's young generation in the past 3 years. Up to now, the province has about 35 agricultural tourist sites and is likely to develop rapidly in the coming years.

Tourists visit the flower farm

Many models of farm tourism with rich activities, exploit the strengths and differences of each farm, but one thing in common is to create an interesting experience, impressive and create an attractive environment unforgettable. for visitors to Lam Dong agricultural tourism; Typical of some of the following agro-tourism models:

(1) Long Dinh Joint Stock Company, Lam Ha district, exploiting agricultural tourism with organic tea products; The company charges 20,000 VND per person, normally 80-100 visitors per day, the biggest festival is about 700 people/day.

(2) DL Nature's farm tourism complex in Ward 11, Da Lat city, with the main experience is vegetable garden, fruits, shops selling specialties Da Lat, coffee shops, vitamins, welcome 150-200 guest/day

(3) Kien Huy Farm Traveling Farm Co., Ltd in Da Dam II Village, Da Sar Commune, Lac Duong District with a new fruit and vegetable experience using high technology like Super Magic-S

(4) Cau Dat Tea Joint-Stock Company, Tram Hiep commune, Da Lat city, 220 ha, agricultural tourism with ancient tea gardens and tea processing plant over 100 years old; minh 4.0; visitors go to the farm for free tram, take photos, visit the vegetable garden, fruit and enjoy tea, coffee safe; Tickets are bought at VND95,000, receiving over 400 thousand visitors annually;

(5) Vinh Tien Co., Ltd is located at 81D Hoang Van Thu street, Ward 4, Dalat, with an area of nearly 1.4 hectares, with agricultural tourism is the factory processing tea artichoke and Vinh Tien wine is invested 23 billion. Guests visit the wine cellar, atiso tea plantation, herbal tea, wine, dicotyledon and experience, shopping specialty Dalat, with an average visit fee of 75,000 VND , with the number of visitors 400-500 visitors per day;

(6) Thien Phuc Joint Stock Company, the product is the technology of cultivating and processing cucumber;

(7) Bio flower forest joint stock company with the product is dry flowers, rare flower varieties and application of flower biological biotechnology, specialty show Dalat, motto no ticket, welcome annual an average of 1 million visitors;

(8) The Center for Research and Experimental High-tech Agriculture of Locust Group Joint Stock Company serves tourists mainly through the experience of new technology and scientific research.

Especially, Da Lat Thuyen Co., Ltd is one of the three largest closed agricultural tour operators. It has the largest scale of application of hi-tech, the biggest visitors and the highest turnover not only in Da Lat but also in the whole country. Vietnam. With an area of ​​11 hectares, the farmer's resort is full of hydroponic vegetable production areas, flower growing areas, fruit-growing Magic-S, tomatoes, strawberries, with modern service infrastructure: The restaurant offers 500 specialties, 7,000 m2 of parking space and a showroom of over 30 showcases of Dalat specialties: fresh vegetables, flowers, jam, macca, Magic-S wine; with a total investment of about 160 billion; Approximately 3,000 visitors / day with average ticket price of 30,000 VND, visitor turnover is about 90 million / day, besides, large visitors can not afford to buy some products as gifts for relatives and income from the farm. Da Lat Hydroponic Co., Ltd has specialized in supply and installation of technology transfer and has now installed and installed 26 of these systems nationwide, covering a large and small area, 7 ha, with the price from 8 to 15 billion / system/ha.

According to the analysis above, agricultural tourism is an international tourism trend, which is a great demand for domestic and foreign tourists.


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