Dalat rainy season passionate, a lifetime remember

13/08/2018 4162 0
The misty white mist, white water wipe off unknown fiber ever since became 'specialty' with many people.

Called the "country" thousand flowers, this place is always vibrant with countless flowers and fruit eye catching, the weather is always cool pleasant. However, from May to October each year is the time of the rainy season in Dalat. Da Lat rain is usually the rain in the afternoon, the evening will be long thunderstorms sometimes until the next morning. Should we go to Da Lat again? The answer is yes".

Going to Da Lat in the rainy season will bring you a very different experience compared to the warm sunny days or cold days that only experience then you are new.

Walking around Xuan Huong Lake

Walking around Xuan Huong Lake in one day, Da Lat rainy weather will be more penetrating than the se seasons of the mountain town that rare people are very happy to enjoy. In the nostalgic atmosphere, deposition of the rain, viewed the green canopy suddenly see his soul relaxed and calm strange.

Dalat in the rainy season will give you a complete sense of the city.

Dalat rainy season is not as intense as the rains of the South, nor as persistent as the rains of northern and central continental. Dalat rainy season is gentle. The rains of Dalat often come and suddenly go pretty fast. Often appear in the afternoon, do not forget to bring raincoat and a thin coat offline.

Sip coffee in a beautiful cafe

An elegant pleasures when coming to Da Lat in the rainy season is to choose an ideal place to sit and sip a hot cup of coffee and watch the rain.

You can go to Thuy Ta, sip a cup of hot coffee, watching Xuan Huong Lake, the line of people playing hands in the rain, laughing in the rain you will find it romantic. The cafés on Le Dai Hanh Street, from the flower basin of Mr. Dạo to the Hoa Binh area are the very own shops of Dalat is also the ideal space to sit and watch the rain in this foggy city.

Even the popular coffee shop in the morning, two rows of seats folded on both sides, the guests after sitting in front of the guests, fried in the cold and rainy morning also very own Dalat.

Coffee shop watching Da Lat rainy season has its own. Photo: I.T

In the rain, you can go to Thuy Ta, sip a cup of hot coffee, watching Xuan Huong lake blind sky land. Still, many people like to ride water bikes under the rain. Perhaps the feeling of playing in the rain in this highland city is a beast. Of course, the cafes on Le Dai Hanh Street, from the flower basin of Ong Tao Bridge to the Hoa Binh area, are the ones with the very characteristic of Da Lat. Each cafe has different layout. There is a table in the house, porch outside terrace and there are also small angles for couples. Drinking coffee in the shops on the high slope is a way to enjoy the cold air and watch the sunset down the street.

Visiting the city flower garden

Rainy, but the city flower garden is bustling guests. If you do not want to buy tickets inside, you can still enjoy the colorful flowers are decorated beautifully in front of the gate. Each street, every corner of Dalat city are covered with flowers. Often the cactus flowers and dark colored flowers are planted. On the Tran Phu street there are flower beds, the ring road Xuan Huong Lake also has a flower park next to the stadium. Stone chairs are located in many places in the city for leisure travelers.

Dalat seems romantic, more romantic in the rainy season. Photo: I.T

Enjoy the barbecue

In the light rain and the cold weather of Da Lat, it would be no better than enjoying a barbecue with some warm wine, chatting together and watching the rain fall. In addition, in Da Lat there are some drinks that feature the weather here such as hot soy milk, hot green peas, tofu, with extremely hot ginger flavor.

Bread baked on charcoal stove attractive to diners when wandering Da Lat in the rain. Picture: Phong Vinh.

Indeed, the rainy days of Da Lat are silent days to spread the emotions to love life. Many people run away sadness will find the Dalat, find the moments of life in life so overwhelmed that when sunshine to find themselves love life again.

Source: baomoi.com

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