Open Time: 18:00 - Close Time: 23:59
Phone: 0916407000
Address: 01 Lê Hồng Phong, Phường 04, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Tỉnh Lâm Đồng
Dalat has long been a tourist destination that all travelers love. And one of the number one leisure destinations of this tourist city is the Rain Night Club of Dalat. Come to Rain Night Club in Dalat, you will experience the leading entertainment technology in Vietnam, with space designed in monume
ntal style, modern world class, large screen LED screen. , running 3D images incredibly lively virtual, full color laser array, bring the feeling of excitement and excitement. Especially Rain nightclub always selects the number 1 professional DJs in Vietnam, giving you inspiration, joining in the ex
citing dance to forget the worries of life.