Pho Nhat Wagyu Kobe    

26N Yersin (Thống Nhất cũ), Phường 10, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Tỉnh Lâm Đồng - 038 813 0279

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Common Information



WAGYU KOBE NHAT Japanese Noodle has been at 26N Yersin Dalat. Pho is made from 100% pure KOBE beef bone, giving you a delicious and strange taste. Pho is always hot, always fresh. ... Please come to Nhat Quan to enjoy pho cooked from your KOBE beef!

Basic information

Open Time: 06:30

Close Time: 11:00

Cuisines: Asian Food

Average Price / People: 70,000đ

Distinctive features

Free car park

Free Wifi

Contact us

Open Time: 06:30 - Close Time: 11:00

26N Yersin (Thống Nhất cũ), Phường 10, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Tỉnh Lâm Đồng

038 813 0279

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Free car park

Free Wifi

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