Open Time: 07:00 - Close Time: 22:00
Phone: 093 725 78 79
Address: 337 Hai Bà Trưng, Phường 06, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Tỉnh Lâm Đồng
Coming to Ca Ro Coffee and Milktea, all worries will be solved, the shop is one of the first shops in Dalat with pearl making machine, giving the delicious and nutritious pearl beads made from chocolate making you can not forget. Pearl is a delicious part, milk tea of the restaurant also has its o
wn unique flavor, unique and delicious. In addition, Carrot coffee has a pure grinder and coffee maker. Healthy and pure coffee cups will be brown from cockroach wings to dark brown, when put in stone will be amber brown. Not only that, the restaurant's own taste will make you unforgettable, unmista
kable with any other shop.